Is 38 years in prison appropriate for a teacher who slept with her 12yr old student?

F ormer teacher Ethel Anderson, 31, (pictured above) was found guilty and sentenced to 38 years in prison in December 2013 for having sex with her 12 year old student. The married mother of one had sex with one of her students, whose identity is being kept secret because of his age (he was 12 at the time). The alleged abuse started in 2011 just one m onth after the teacher and the minor started a tutoring session in her home. During her trial last year, the boy, now 14, told the court that she started by kissing him and progressed to giving him oral sex. "I felt like she was a girlfriend, I loved her and she said that I was her boyfriend and she loved me. She would rub on my legs, kiss on my ears, neck and stuff like that. We would tongue kiss. I lost my virginity to her. I told her to stop but she said she wanted me bad" The boy's angry mother told the former 'teacher of the year', who w orked as a language arts teacher at Mango E...